A National Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI)Flexible Loan Capital Customized to Create Affordable Housing

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Lending Exclusively to the NeighborWorks® Network

Affordable Housing Impact Lender

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for All Types of Affordable Housing

Single Family & Multi-Family Development Lending

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Since 2000, originated 631 loans totaling $1.05 billion.

$2.95 Billion in Affordable Housing Development

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13% Reach Families Earning 30% or Less

93% of Loans Reach Families Earning 80% AMI or Less

2023 Community Housing Capital annual report home page

CHC Impact Highlights*

Affordable Homes

Affordable Homes

Total Development

Total Development

Total Loan Activity

Total Loan Activity

*Cumulative between 2000-2023

CHC Financed Properties Are*...


Affordable to families earning up to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI)


With services such as health and wellness and financial training available on-site


Homes within a 5 to 10 minute walk of a train or bus stop


Affordable homes preserved and safeguarded against rising costs
*Results from 2016-2023 based on Impact Measurement & Management System